W - left

D - right

space - jump

It may be a little delay after you click 'play'

There is no end and the difficult doesn't increase, you may achieve a high score though

obs: android build doesn't have a button to jump, but it is not necessary...


coin effect: https://opengameart.org/content/plingy-coin

music: https://opengameart.org/content/theme1-platform-game-music

voice: Voiceover Pack #1 by Kenney Vleugels for Kenney (www.kenney.nl)

3D Objects: https://kaylousberg.itch.io/kaykit-dungeon

robot: https://quaternius.com/packs/animatedrobot.html

source code: https://github.com/brianrrichter/2021_run_robot_run_3d


Gd3D2.apk 36 MB


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Hey man, nice game!

Thanks for playing =)

Pretty nice game!

I was wondering, does Godot provide an API to understand what hardware is running? We could use this to show/hide button depending on the device :P


There is a way to know the host OS:

But for testing I think it is ok, once there is no  menu for 'config' in the game.

I think the interesting thing is that the game can be played on mobile internet browser, but the controls on screen are necessary.